
What makes a good life in rural Huntingdonshire?

Huntingdon District Council Press Release  We want to hear what you think about living in Huntingdonshire and what a good ...

Hinchingbrooke Hospital: Public invited to join engagement events

The public are invited to join a series of engagement events to hear more about the plans for the new ...

New Public Transport Service – Tiger on Demand – West Huntingdonshire

TIGER on Demand is a new, flexible concept for delivering public transport services. Rather than being restricted to travelling along ...

Grafham to Brampton Quietway

The Brampton Quietway project seeks to work with local communities to develop ideas and trial solutions for improving conditions along ...

Cambridgeshire Christmas Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

Xmas HAF Poster Please see attached poster for full details ...

Local Plan Update 

Huntingdonshire District Council is calling on the community to participate in the Local Plan Engagement 2024, a crucial consultation process, ...

eCops – Extra Time Hub for Huntingdon

If you are retired or semi-retired why not go along to the new Extra Time Hub in Huntingdon? It runs ...

Huntingdonshire Neighbourhood Policing Teams

Welcome to your local neighbourhood policing information page for Huntingdonshire. Our officers work closely with community leaders and residents, listening ...

Older News

Ellington Parish Council has put together a helpful document explaining what a local plan is to assist residents. You can ...
National Highways Important roadworks information - A14 westbound junctions 22 to 18 – resurfacing I am writing to tell you that we ...
Please find attached the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting which is to be held on Monday 11th of ...
In partnership with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, we're taking part in four Winter Wheeler events designed to encourage Cambridgeshire ...
National Highways - A14 westbound junctions 24 to 22 – Bridge joint repairs I am writing to tell you that ...